Nasal Polyps
A report by Stephanie Sugars
I've had plenty of bloody noses throughout my life, but think they are more to do with my inability to hold onto my life force. In my mind they are connected with anemia from polyps and periods, diarreah, skinniness, lack of warmth and fatigue. But I have read about bloody noses connected with nasal polyps. I am including a quote from a recent article and some Medline references. If you do a medline search for two subjects, Peutz Jeghers and nasal, you will come up with 11 articles. The ones below have abstracts.If you want to see the abstracts or order the articles you will need to access Internet Grateful Med. If you don't have my instructions for accessing it, let me know and I will send them.
Also, the OMIM has some information on nasal polyps in their entry on PJS. Find it at:
"Although not frequently reported, cases of polyposis outside the gastrointestinal tract have been encountered in PJS. Apart from the occurrence of nasal polyps in the original family described by Peutz, there have been other reports about the association between nasal polyps and PJS. Symptoms caused by these polyps are nasal bleeding and obstruction of the paranasal sinuses."
from Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome: Risks of a Hereditary Condition, A Clinical Review
AUTHORS: Westerman AM; Wilson JH
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Dept. of Internal Medicine II, University Hospital Rotterdam Dijkzigt, The Netherlands
SOURCE: Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl 1999;230:64-70
CITATION IDS: PMID: 10499464 UI: 99427810
Also see these abstracts in Medline:
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: 78-year follow-up of the original family.
AUTHORS: Westerman AM; Entius MM; de Baar E; Boor PP; Koole R; van Velthuysen ML; Offerhaus GJ; Lindhout D; de Rooij FW; Wilson JH
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
SOURCE: Lancet 1999 Apr 10;353(9160):1211-5
CITATION IDS: PMID: 10217080 UI: 99231432
A case of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome with nasal polyposis, extreme iron deficiency anemia, and hamartoma-adenoma transformation: management by combined surgical and endoscopic approach [see comments]
AUTHORS: De Facq L; De Sutter J; De Man M; Van der Spek P; Lepoutre L
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Department of Gastroenterology, Onze Lieve Vrouw Hospital, Aalst, Belgium.
SOURCE: Am J Gastroenterol 1995 Aug;90(8):1330-2
CITATION IDS: PMID: 7639241 UI: 95366467
[Rare manifestation of nasal polyposis in the Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome]
VERNACULAR TITLE: Rare manifestazioni della poliposi nasale nella sindrome di Peutz-Jeghers.
AUTHORS: Cerqua N; D'Ottavi LR; Perrotti V; Coen Tirelli G; Piccirillo E; Spaziani
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: USL RM 12, Divisione ORL, Ospedale San Filippo Neri, Roma.
SOURCE: Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 1993 Jul-Aug;13(4):333-8
CITATION IDS: PMID: 8135104 UI: 94182439